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Tbe buffer


Buffer for both agarose and PAGE RNA gel electrophoresis.

Materials and Recipe

Ingredient 0.5X working concentration 1L of 5X stock Catalog No
Tris base 45mM 54g Sigma, T1503-10KG
Boric acid 45mM 27.5g RPI, B32025-500
0.5M EDTA, pH 8.0 1mM 20ml Fisher, PRV4231


For 1L of 5X stock

  • Add the Tris base and boric acid to 500 ml of DEPC H2O.
  • Add 20ml of the the 0.5M EDTA.
  • Bring up 1L with DEPC H2O.
  • Shake to dissolve.
  • The pH of the concentrated stock should be \~8.3.
