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10X Towbin Buffer

Use for semi-dry transfers.

Component Amount Final (10X) Concentration
Tris Base 30.3 g 250 mM
Glycine 144.1 g 1.92 M
SDS 1 g 0.1 %
Water to 1 L
  1. Mix dry reagents with water and adjust volume to 1 L.
  2. To make 1X transfer buffer, combine 100 mL 10X Towbin Buffer, 100 mL MeOH, and 800 mL water. This transfer buffer is 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 0.01% SDS, 10% MeOH.

1X Novablot Transfer Buffer

Use this for both semi-dry (preferred) or wet transfers.

  • 5.82 g Tris Base (MW=121.1)
  • 2.93 g Glycine
  • 200 mL Methanol
  • 0.375 g SDS
  • ddH2O up to 1 L

Add methanol and SDS last.