Prepare chemically competent E. coli cells¶
Make a lab stock of chemically competent E. coli cells for routine plasmid cloning. We typically use NEB Stable cells (ecHP56) for cloning in our lab.
Method I. Zymo Research Mix & Go! Kit¶
This protocol adapts the Mix & Go! kit from Zymo Research.
- Mix & Go! E. coli transformation kit (Zymo Research cat. no. T3001)
- Frozen stock of NEB Stable cells (ecHP56)
- LB (liquid and plates)
- SOB (liquid, 100 mL, recipe below)
- (Day 1) Streak ecHP56 on an LB plate and incubate at 37 °C overnight.
- (Day 2) Inoculate a single colony of ecHP56 in liquid LB and incubate overnight at 37 °C with shaking or rotation.
- (Day 3) The next morning, in a baffled flask, inoculate 100 mL of SOB with 1 mL of the overnight culture. Shake at 20 °C, 180 rpm, in a temperature-controlled Innova shaker (Strong lab).
- Measure the OD600 after 4 hours, and every hour thereafter, until cells reach OD600 between 0.3 and 0.5. Also turn on a clinical centrifuge and chill to 4 °C.
- When cells reach target OD, immediately place the flask on ice for 10 minutes, and chill two 50-mL conical tubes on ice.
- While cells and tubes are chilling, prepare 5 mL of each Mix & Go! buffer solution in separate 15-mL conical tubes, by diluting 2.5 mL of 2x wash buffer, and 2.5 mL of 2x competent buffer, with 2.5 mL of dilution buffer. Store these solutions on ice.
- In a separate bucket, prepare a rack of ~100 PCR tubes (at least 12 x 8-tube strips) in an ice-water bath.
- After cells have chilled for 10 minutes on ice, split culture between chilled 50-mL conical tubes and pellet 10 minutes at ~3,000 g (max clinical centrifuge speed).
- Remove supernatant and place 2.5 mL of ice-cold wash buffer on each pellet. Resuspend pellets with a 1-mL pipet tip.
- Transfer washed cells to a cold 15-mL conical (you can reuse the wash buffer tube for this) and pellet again for 10 minutes at ~3,000 g.
- Completely and carefully remove the supernatant—the pellet will be somewhat loose—and gently resuspend in 5 mL of competent buffer, using a 1-mL pipet tip.
- Dispense ~100 50 μL aliquots of resuspended cells into chilled PCR tube strips on ice, and place immediately in a box at -80 °C.
SOB recipe¶
component | amount (g) |
Yeast extract | 5 |
Tryptone | 20 |
NaCl | 0.584 |
KCl | 0.186 |
MgSO4 | 2.4 |
- Add reagents to 1L tap water.
- Adjust to pH 7 with concentrated NaOH.
- Dispense into 100 mL aliquots and autoclave 45 min on a liquid cycle.
Method II. Homemade Transformation Buffer¶
- Transformation Buffer
component | amount | alt reagent |
HEPES | 236mg | |
KCl | 186mg | |
CaCl2.2H2O | 290mg | 219mg CaCl2 |
ddH2O | to 100ml | |
pH to 6.7 with KOH (need about 6-10ul of 10M KOH) | ||
MnCl2.H2O | 840mg | 1156mg MnCl2.4H2O |
- Filter through 0.2µ filter.
Make fresh and store at 4C.
SOB Medium
(See recipe above)
- Day 0: Streak NEB-Stable cells (ecAS4.1 or ecHP56) on LB plates and incubate at 37°C, 16-19 hours.
- Day 1: Start overnights of a single colony of the strain, LB, 37°C, 5ml, 200rpm, 12–17 hours.
- Day 2: Dilute overnights (1:5 to 1:20) into 5mL LB and shake in 23-25C waterbath, 200rpm, 5-6hrs (want these to be in approx log phase in the afternoon)
- Day 2: After 5-6hrs measure the OD600 and dilute into 1L SOB accordingly for 23C 200rpm Strong lab shaker in 2.8L baffled flask (need to sign up a few days beforehand).
- General benchmark: ecHP56 cells double once every ~1.32 hours at 23C, so if you want to harvest in 19-20hrs, then dilute into 1L SOB for a final OD600 of 0.00002 (~14.5doublings)
- Example: if you measured the culture's OD600 to be 1.0, then do: (vol)(OD600 1.0) = (1L)(0.00002) -> vol = 20uL of culture into 1L SOB at 23C 200rpm should reach OD 0.4-0.5 in 19-20hrs
- Note that the spectrometer's most reliable readings are between 0.1 and 1.0, so you will likely need to make dilutions prior to measuring
- Day 3: Check OD600 every half hour ~2hrs before you think they should be ready (e.g., if you diluted for 19-20hrs, check at 17hrs)
- Bring the cuvette/pipette to the incubator and take an aliquot for measurement quickly
- While waiting for OD600 to reach 0.4-0.5, prechill the following reagents, place in cold-room:
- 4 × 500ml bottles on ice
- transformation buffer on ice
- 2 x 50mL conicals on ice
- PCR strip tubes
- Set beckman centrifuge to 4C to prechill (include the yellow 50mL conical holders so they can prechill too)
- Prepare an ice+water bath large enough to fit the 1L flask of cells
- When culture hits OD600\~0.4—0.5 rapidly chill your cultures by placing them in the ice-water bath in cold-room for 10 min and swirling them occasionally.
- Aliquot the cells into the 4×500ml pre-chilled bottles (equilibrate the weights by eye, \~250mL each) and spin 3250g, 20min, 4°C. Pour off supernatant.
- Resuspend the pellet in 10ml ice-cold TB by pipetting, transfer to the 2 x 50mL conicals (20mL/conical). Incubate in ice-water bath for another 10 min. Make sure that the centrifuge is cold.
- Spin down cells 3250g, 20min, 4°C. Pour off supernatant.
- Resuspend cells in 1-5ml of ice-cold TB and combine them.
- Bring up the total volume to 16.6mL with TB, then add 1.2ml of molecular biology grade DMSO.
- Aliquot the DMSO at room-temp, then bring to cold-room just before adding or it will solidify
- Mix well gently by pipetting and leave on ice for 10 min.
- Aliquot 50uL/100μl into pre-chilled PCR strip tubes with individual caps and place immediately in −80°C box.
Checking transformation efficiency of competent cells¶
Allow cells to freeze overnight at -80 °C before testing competence.
Method I. Use NEB pUC19 to test Mix & Go! cells¶
- Thaw 2 x 50 μL aliquot of cells on ice.
- Mix 1 μL of NEB pUC19 transformation control (50 pg/μL) with one 50 μL aliquot of competent cells.
- Mix 1 μL of TE with the other 50 μL aliquot of competent cells.
- Incubate on ice for 5 minutes.
- Plate directly onto prewarmed LB + carbenicillin plates (you can use one plate, divided in half, for both transformations), and incubate overnight at 37 °C.
- Verify there are no colonies in the no-plasmid control. Then count colonies (CFUs) and note the transformation efficiency. Calculate efficiency in transformants per μg as (number of CFUs) x (100,000).
Method II. Older method with homemade competent cells¶
- Mix 100ng of MG1655+pUC19 with 50µl of competent cells.
- Incubate on ice, 30 min.
- Heat shock 42°C, 45s.
- Incubate ice, 2 min.
- Recover in 500ul LB, 1 hour, 37°C, 200rpm in culture tubes.
- Dilute 10µl of recovered cells into 1ml of LB -> 1:100
- Dilute 10µl of above diluted cells again into 1ml of LB.
- Dilute 10µl of above diluted cells again into 1ml of LB.
- Plate 100µl of the three dilutions on pre-warmed carb100 plates and incubate overnight at 37°C.
Count colonies and note the transformation efficiency below with the date as CFU / 1µg of pUC19 / 50µl of competent cells.
Dilution used = 10uL transformants / 500 recovered vol * 100uL plated / 1000uL diluent = 0.002
[2025-02-28] Older method¶
- Transformation Buffer | component | amount | |-----------------------------------------------------------------|-----------| | HEPES | 236mg | | Kcl | 186mg | | CaCl2.2H2O | 290mg | | ddH2O | to 100ml | | pH to 6.7 with KOH (need about 6-10ul of 10M KOH) | | | MnCl2.H2O | 840mg | | Filter through 0.2u filter | | | Store at 4C | |
Protocol from Chris Shoemaker through Rasi
- 5 g yeast extract
- 20 g tryptone
- 0.584 g NaCl
- 0.186 g KCl
- 2.4 g MgSO4
- Adjust to pH 7 with conc. NaOH.
- Autoclave 15 min liquid cycle.
- Day 0: Plate
cells (ecAS4.1) on LB plates and incubate at 37°C, ~18 hours. - Day 1: Start overnights of a single colony of the strain, 5 mL LB, ~37°C, 200rpm for overnight (~18 hours).
- Day 2: Dilute ON culture by 1/40 fold in 5mL LB, ~23°C, 200rpm(in the Strong lab air shaker), ~6:00 hours (10:50am-5:00pm).
- Day 2: Make 1 L of auto-claved SOB (PH~7.0) and 2x 100mL of filter sterilized Transformation buffer (PH~6.7).
- Day 2: Diluted 13.1μl of back diluted culture (OD600~0.381) to 1000ml of SOB medium (est OD600 = 0.000005), 23°C , 200rpm (in the Strong lab air shaker), 1L flask.
- Day 3: Check OD600 the next morning for 23°C growth and monitor throughout the day until culture reaches a target OD600 ~ 0.4-0.5 [OD600~0.454 at 5:15pm]. Worked in the cold room from this point on.
- Chill 4× 250ml autoclaved centrifuge bottles on ice.
- When culture hits OD600~0.4—0.5 rapidly chill your cultures by placing them in an ice-water batch for 10 min and swirling them occasionally.
- Aliquot the cells into the 4× 250ml pre-chilled tubes and spin 3250g in Bloom lab big shaker, for 20min, 4°C. Pour off supernatant.
- Resuspend the pellet in 10ml ice-cold TB by pipetting. Chill cells in ice-water bath for another 10 min. Make sure that the centrifuge is cold.
- Spin down cells 3250g, 20min, 4°C. Pour off supernatant.
- Resuspend cells in 1ml of ice-cold TB and combine 4 pellets into 2.
- Bring up final volume to 8.3ml each with ice-cold TB. Add 600μl each of molecular biology grade DMSO.
- Mix well gently by pipetting and leave on ice for 10 min.
- Aliquot ~100uL to pre-chilled PCR strip tubes with individual caps.
- Transfer to -80°C Chemically competent cell box.
Transformation Efficiencies (note with each prep)¶
Prep by | Prep date | Method | pg pUC19 plated | CFUs | Efficiency (CFUs/µg pUC19) | -80° C Box |
kchen | July 2020 | Homemade | ? | 6 | 30,000 | chemically competent e.coli |
kchen | Sept 2020 | Homemade | ? | 190 | 950,000 | Chem. competent e.coli Box 2 |
ton/kchen | Feb 2022 | Homemade | ? | 10,000 | 100,000 | Chem. competent e.coli Box 2 |
jyelland | Oct 2024 | Zymo Kit | 10 | ~100 | ~10,000,000 | Chem. competent e.coli Box 2 |
hborror | Feb 2025 | Homemade | Chem. competent e.coli Box 2 |