Typical experiment workflow

  1. Open a GitHub Issue using the Experiment Issue template in your project GitHub repository.
  2. Fill all the details in the top section of the Issue.
  3. Use the comments section in the Issue to discuss specifics with Rasi or other collaborators.
  4. Create a Markdown file in the experiments/USER/ folder labeled as issueNNN-short-description.md using the Markdown template here (use the Markdown version in the source repository linked at the top right).
  5. Fill in the details of the experiment in the Markdown file.
  6. Push the file to the project GitHub repository making sure to include the Issue number in the commit message.
  7. Perform experiments following our lab's labeling and storing conventions, and following these tips.
  8. Use Issue comments to discuss experimental progress.
  9. When you finish the experiment, update the top section of the Issue with your brief conclusions.
  10. Close the Issue.