Lab duties

Member Job Minimum balance & Check frequency
Heungwon Homemade Phusion, Superscript, T7RNAP Monthly
Heungwon Check and make 1kb ladder Minimum for 20 gel run, check weekly
Heungwon Replenish PCR supplies Minimum 2 bags of caps / tubes, check weekly
Heungwon 50% glucose (100ml), 50% glycerol (100ml) Minimum 2 bottles, check weekly
Katharine Make competent cells (Chemical and Electrocompetent) As necessary, check weekly
Katharine YEP (1000/500ml) Minimum 2 bottles, check weekly
Katharine Agar plates: YEPD, SC-Ura, SC-Leu Minimum 1 sleeve, check weekly
Katharine Clean chemical hood and label waste Weekly
Katharine Clean chemical weighing area Monthly
Patrick Aliquots of Gibson master mix Every 2 or 3 months
Patrick Agarose buffers Every 6 months
Patrick Western blot buffers Every 6 months
Patrick Clean gel area and Nanodrop area Every 2 months
Jamie All tissue culture jobs Weekly
Jamie Fill 37C and 42C water baths Weekly
Maria fill 190 proof ethanol Every 6 months
Maria Aliquots of Antibiotics Monthly
Rachael Check common lab drawers for supplies replenishing and lab label Weekly
Rachael Check common 4C, -20C, -80C, -140C for defrosting and organization Every 2 weeks
Rachael Put out glass pipettes for washing Weekly
Matthew Autoclaved glass beads, cryovials + caps (separate) for glycerol stocks Minimum 2 bottles, monthly
Matthew Put away washed glassware Every ~2 days
Shreya Agar plates: Carb50, Chl25, Kan25 Minimum 1 sleeve, check weekly
Shreya LB buffer (500ml) and SOB (100mL) Minimum 2 bottles, check weekly