How to use rasi desktop configuration files

Create a ~/git directory if you do not already have one and go in:

mkdir -p ~/git
cd ~/git

Clone Rasi's configuration repository and go in:

git clone
cd rasi_xps15_config

Change to hpark branch since Rasi's branch is more complex than necessary:

git checkout --track origin/hpark

Create a new branch for yourself from hpark branch:

git checkout -b MYUSERNAME

Create symbolic links to default locations. For example, you will do this for emacs, bash, ssh, git:

cd ~
rm -r .emacs .emacs.d .bashrc .bash_aliases
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/emacs .emacs
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/emacs.d .emacs.d
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/bash/bashrc .bashrc
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/bash/bash_aliases .bash_aliases
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/bash/bash_history .bash_history
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/git/gitconfig .gitconfig
cd ~/.ssh
ln -s ~/git/rasi_xps15_config/ssh/config config

Edit these files as you wish to customize for yourself. You will definitely want to modify your ~/.gitconfig to include your name and email.

Once you are done, commit the changes to your configuration file to github

cd ~/git/rasi_xps15_config
git add -u
git commit -m "adapted rasi's configuration file first attempt"
git push -u origin MYUSERNAME # use the same branch name that you used in the checkout step